Saturday, December 20, 2008

In the beginning

Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away, I had an online journal. Well, technically, I still do, but it a sad shell of a thing that I keep to stay connected to my friends from those golden days in college when I spent my free time pretending I could write and talking with people for hours on whether or not I thought Harry Potter was the last horcrux (spoiler alert: he was). These days I am lucky if I have the energy to update my Twitter or send emails to my mother.

I created this blog to get back to myself. Somewhere between Harry Potter and Twitter I became as sad a shell as my LJ. My job situation sucks (although, really, at least I have one in this economy), my heart is broken and refuses to mend, my weight is the highest it has ever been...I'm depressed. Not in the "cry, whine and eat ice cream" way it sometimes is, but in the "come home, go to bed and forget to eat dinner" way. My friends have been very supportive and I am working on getting better, but I keep coming back to those days in college when I could sit down at my desk and throw my day into an empty screen. It felt good to do that. I hope this blog gives me that same sense of release.

Not every entry will be this much of a downer, I hope, but if every now and then I revert to my Bad Place then at least I have a place to put my poisonous thoughts. Siphon them from my brain for a bit, if you will.

The point is this - if you want to really get to know me, Justine, in all her screwed up, wacky, sometimes random, sometimes fun, always weird glory, well. This is hopefully the place to do it.

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